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January 2025

Neues Atelier am Bürkiweg 18, 3007 Bern

Umbau eines französischen Pistonhorns zur „Sauterelle“= Naturhorn mit einschiebbarem Pistonblock

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Archive (older articles)

January 2023

Restaurierung einer Naturhornkiste mit Fächern für alle Aufsteckbögen, Frankreich erste Hälfte 19. Jahrhundert

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April 2022

Restaurierung von „Buccin a coulisse tête de dragon“ oder Drachenkopf Posaune

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Summer 2021

„Basson russe“ Frankreich 1. Hälfte 19. Jahrhundert

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May 2020

Restaurierung eines Besson Tenorhorns

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January 2019

Bau von Bögen in G, F und E zu Cor Solo von Tabard à Lyon

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July 2018

Restaurierung eines deutschen Waldhorns von Wernecke Berlin 1868

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April 2018

In Zusammenarbeit mit Isabel Osselaere: Entwicklung einer neuen Methode bemalte Schallstücke zu restaurieren.

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November 2017

Gelungene Wiederbelebung:
Rückbau einer Klappentrompete von Franz Stöhr, Prag um 1830.

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July 2017

Neu! Ich habe eine Sauterelle ascendant für ein Courtois Naturhorn gebaut.

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January 2017

Inspired from an old Raoux-Millereau catalog I built a Sauterell for an original Courtois Neuve Ainé.

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November 2016

Ein sehr spezielles Instrument verlässt soeben meine Werkstatt.

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April 2016

Gerne empfange ich Sie ab 18. April 2016 in meinem neuen Atelier am Heckenweg 1, 3007 Bern.

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Summer 2015

Sommerakademie 2015 der Akademie für alte Musik Bruneck/Brunico, Italien. Martin Mürner, Vortrag: „Das Horn in der Wiener Klassik“ - „Einblicke in die Tätigkeit eines historisch-informierten Instrumentenrestaurators“.

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Research projects

The four project have been implemented at the Berne University of the Arts.


(Agility, homogeneity and beauty)

This research project looks into the building, the typology and the playing techniques of the family of the saxhorns that were developed by Adolphe Sax (1814-1894) in the mid-19th century. It studied both, the repertoire as well as the line-up of the Sax-Banda common in the Parisian Opera and within contemporary French military music. The bases for the project were the 19 saxhorns owned by the Burri collection in Bern. As part of the project we transcribed original compositions for saxhorns that subsequently were used for two concerts, one in Bern and one in Brussels. Martin Mürner's part in the project was to restore the instruments and make them playable.  

Historically Accurate Brass Instrument Manufacturing

This project deepens the understanding in materials and manufacturing technologies of original brass instruments. It examines the correlation of material, the thickness and strength of the horn’s wall and the quality of the sound and differences in playing the instrument. Whilst analysing the different materials used in the 19th century the goal was to recreate a new type of brass sheet that would come as close as possible to the original composition. Within the team Martin Mürner researched the layouts of historical workshops partly through failure reports of Parisian instrument makers. 


The "Cor Chaussier" is an onitonic brass instrument with vents. It was developed by Henri Chaussier working for the Millereau firm in the 1880's and was designed to be a modern vessel taking the rich sounding natural horn into the 20th century. This research project puts a spotlight on the Chaussier horn and its positioning within the musical practice and education in 19th century France. The instrument allowed the musician to change key using a piston without interrupting the playing. In this way one could play in all keys applying the same techniques as playing a natural horn. Martin Mürner supervised the built of a replica based on the only surviving "Cor Chaussier" kept at the MIM in Brussels. 


To preserve a historical instrument as well as possible creates a dilemma. Either you play it and it suffers through wear and tear and corrosion, or it is placed in a museum where it looses its voice and is reduced to being a statue. This predicament was the basis of a research project entitled "Korrosion". For the first time a team of specialists measured and researched phenomena of corrosion inside brass instruments. Furthermore the team started a series of long term experiments to find ways of usage that enhance conservation as well as methods of preventative conservation. 

Martin Mürner +41 78 615 29 02   Contact

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